July Brings a Bounty of Plums!
July brings a bounty of plums! It seems the busier I get, the one thing that gets short shrift is my blog. So many amazing things have happened since I last posted that I don’t know where to begin. But, here’s the most exciting…
My channel will hit 40,000 subscribers tomorrow July 4th! I’m very grateful for all who have followed me and shared with friends and helped my channel more than double in size in the last six months. YouTube, I often say, is a content monster that has to be fed, and continuously thinking of ideas and executing those ideas into videos that inspire people would be challenging twice a month – as I did with the original series of 100 episodes – but now, creating two to three videos a week takes much more time than I can spend on my garden. As you will see in an upcoming video, I learned the hard way today what a big mistake not pruning my tomatoes was.

July 3 Plum Harvest
However, for every setback, there is a blessing and this week’s garden gift is plums! See me here, harvesting plums out my bathroom window in 2012, the first year of this blog! And here is the freshest and healthiest way to eat plums in this blog from the same summer. I have never cooked with plums, but tomorrow morning I will be filming me in the kitchen making Plum Custard Kuchen for the first time. I love custard and I love these plums, so stay tuned for the video!
And if you somehow missed the last cooking video, tune into this mouthwatering one making Blueberry Compote and my pancakes from scratch recipe! For the first time in seven years, I had two cups of blueberries in one harvest! I left out the tablespoon of oil while filming, but it will help to lift pancakes off a skillet without a non-stick surface.
All for now, as my garden and editing program are calling. I’ve got my trip to Big Sur to edit as well as a monster workday video filmed on July 1. And if you missed my EPIC garden transformation video from before I started to now, “Then and Now” is a must watch! See what is possible in a small space! Don’t miss out on the most exciting and jam-packed summer ever in the Late Bloomer Garden! I can’t wait to inspire you! – Kaye
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I am looking to build my Young Living Essential Oils team. If you are looking for extra income and have flexible hours, check out the great products here and join me!
July brings a bounty of plums and right after it will be figs! Stay tuned!
Follow me on social media! Share this blog with friends! Thanks for your support! – Kaye
Category: Harvest, Kaye's Vlog, Late Bloomer Episodes, Urban Gardening