Growing Peppers – Part 2: Rain, Preserving, Seed Saving, Eating
Growing Peppers – Part 2: Rain, Preserving, Seed Saving, Eating is the 59th episode of Late Bloomer |Urban Organic Garden Show. If you watched Part 1, you won’t want to miss the conclusion of my pepper story. It’s New Year’s Day and 37° and Kaye recounts fall pepper events in the Late Bloomer garden. Raccoons terrorized for months and were humanely, professionally relocated from the front yard garden. Last harvests and best of all, Kaye tries a Long Red Cayenne pepper.
Kaye’s New Year’s Day Veggie Scramble
2 large, organic, farm fresh eggs, whipped lightly
1 small Ping Tung Long eggplant, cut in bite-size pieces
1/2 c. mushrooms, chopped (my favorite is Beech mushrooms, but any will do)
1 small scallion, chopped
1 small Poblano pepper, seeds removed, chopped
1 small Serrano pepper, seeds removed, chopped
Grated or crumbled cultured cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste
Use coconut oil or ghee to coat the skillet. Sauté for 2 minutes, over medium heat.
Pour in eggs, gently lifting to prevent sticking. Cook to desired doneness, fold in cheese. Enjoy!

Dried Long Red Cayenne Peppers on a string, the necklace from Part 1
I hope this episode inspires you to try growing peppers! They are colorful, and bring cheer to the garden with a minimum of effort (once you get aphids under control on early plants! See Part 1.) Please let me know if you try growing peppers, what variety, and what starter medium you used. Did you give Diatomaceous Earth a try? Thanks so much for watching and stay tuned for Episode #60, the last of Season 3.
Late Bloomer Show is registered on IMDB, the International Movie Data Base, which lists all entertainment professionals, movie, TV, and now web titles. Ratings are important. If you have enjoyed “Late Bloomer,” I encourage you to go to the Late Bloomer listing (click here) and write a review, and rate the series (hopefully 10 stars!). I am continually trying to improve Late Bloomer with the resources I have, technically and content-wise. Hopefully one day soon, you will be able to watch Late Bloomer on TV. If you would like to see Late Bloomer on TV, write to the Content Director at your favorite station and request it.
In the meantime, if you have suggestions how I can make Season 4 even more inspirational, please let me know. My goal is to get more people growing their own food, so we have some control over our food security and know what’s in our food. Plus, it’s a lot of fun! Thanks for your support! Please share with a friend. – Kaye
Category: Grow Veggies, Late Bloomer Episodes, Urban Gardening, Warm Season
Q. After a summer rain, my pepper plants died rapidly. I found a white growth at the base of the plant. Intermingled with this growth were small, round, bead-like structures the size of a pinhead.
I wouldn’t know what that was. I would search Google images for pepper plant diseases first to see if there are any photos resembling what you had. Without a photo, I wouldn’t have a clue. Sorry not to be of more help! I know how frustrating it is. If plants were in the ground, then water splashing up during the rain could carry blights and fungi onto the plants. Good luck!
It appears I never responded to this question. I apologize! What did you find out? I have never had that happen, but it sounds catastrophic for the plants. If they all died, then it was. If you haven’t found out anything, I would have to just google What kills pepper plants? and see if you see any images that look similar. Thanks for reading and commenting and I hope to hear from you again! Now there is a chance their dying was unrelated to this growth and the roots became waterlogged after the rain. If they are in pots with trays and sitting in water, it will kill the plants. Peppers like to dry out between waterings. Hope this is helpful!