Seed Freedom Fest to Make Los Angeles a “GMO-Free Zone”
Seed Freedom Fest to make Los Angeles a “GMO-Free Zone” brought together seed savers, seed lovers, live music and theatre, silkscreening, hand-crafted local foods, and local politicians at the Venice Learning Garden, Saturday, August 17.
“Seed Freedom LA is working with LA City Hall to have L.A. declared a“GMO-Free Zone” to protect homegrown food in our home gardens, school gardens, and community gardens. The GMO-Free Zone will create a safe zone for saving and preserving heirloom seeds — plus growers in the area will be able to call their food ‘GMO-free!'” For a complete program of Seed Freedom Fest and to find out how to call your city council member, go to Seed Freedom LA.
After a fun afternoon of getting your T-shirt or carry-bag silkscreened gratis Hit+Run and Metabolic Studios, savoring organic, fair trade and local Peddler’s Creamery ice cream (made with bicycle power), Non-GMO handcrafted pastries from Red Bread, and bags of verified Non-GMO Beanfields Bean & Rice Chips, Nisha Namorando Vida, who organized the event, and associate produced the new GMO documentary opening in September, “GMO OMG,” introduced the featured speakers.
Pamm Larry, initial instigator of Prop 37, began with, “When we unite in action we are pretty darned powerful.” “Proposition 37 was a California ballot measure rejected in California at the state-wide election on November 6, 2012. This initiate statue would have required labeling of genetically engineered food, with some exceptions. It would have disallowed the practice of labeling genetically engineered food with the word ‘natural.'” – Wikipedia
Ms. Larry encouraged everyone to join a phone bank and call Washington State residents to make them aware of the importance of voting YES on 522, the campaign to label genetically engineered food. She said she read something recently that really impacted her. Fungi living on the roots of plants communicate with each other to protect plants. The interconnectedness of the soil bed is one thing at risk with GMO’s in our soil and food supply.
Ms. Larry related that Arcata, CA is starting a citywide GMO ban, and grassroots efforts by Moms Across America, whose motto is “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids,” is having an impact, and that Yelp restaurant reviews will soon include which Los Angeles restaurants are using GMO and organic ingredients. Ms. Larry has been virtually “on the road since 2011,” tirelessly working for GMO food labeling laws.

Councilman from the 11th District Mike Bonin said, “We need to know what we are feeding our children.”
Mike Bonin, Councilman from the 11th District, and Paul Koretz from the 5th District gave brief remarks about their support to make Los Angeles a GMOFree Zone, then presented David King, founder of Seed Library of Los Angeles SLOLA, with a certificate of appreciation. SLOLA, which operates out of the Venice Learning Garden, is one of the most vibrant seed libraries in the United States. Councilman Bonin said, “We need to know what we are eating and feeding our children.” He added that honeybees are doing well in Los Angeles because there is so little commercial (industrial) agriculture. He is working on legislation to make it legal to keep bees in Los Angeles.
A $10 lifetime SLOLA membership allows you to check out seeds, grow them, dry seeds from your produce and return them to the library. King, in his remarks, said, “Even if you grow your own food, you have probably consumed GMO’s in the last 24 hours.”
Councilman Paul Koretz, a leader on the GMO labeling issue, is going to introduce a motion to make it illegal to plant GMO seed in Los Angeles. David King, upon accepting the certificate of appreciation, concluded, “American agriculture has gone very off the rails. We want to preserve this city for a rebirth of American agriculture.”

LA Councilmen MIke Bonin and Paul Koretz present a Certificate of Appreciation to David King, founder of SLOLA
Thanks for reading! Are there Non-GMO events in your area? Are you saving seeds? – Kaye
Category: Community, Food Security
Thank you for sharing our wonderful day with your readers! The launch of Seed Freedom LA was such a success and seeing your photos shows it! We are grateful you were there and documented our launch!
Thanks, so much, David! Since I connected with SLOLA, I have seen you at two other events, The National Heirloom Expo and yesterday at WLCAC, both times hearing Dr. Vandana Shiva speak about the key to seed freedom is to save seeds. Thanks for all you do at Seed Library of Los Angeles! With enough support from the public we can make Los Angeles a GMO-free Zone! – Kaye