Cactus Lovers, check this out!
Cactus Lovers, check this out! A recent stop for my travel Vlog was the Stanford Cactus Garden, also called the Arizona Cactus Garden. Cactus gardens were popular in the late 1800’s. Former California Governor Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane, hired landscape architect Robert Ulrich to design one for them on their country estate, the 650 acre Palo Alto stock farm in 1881. A planned residence next door was never built when their only son, Leland Junior, died from typhoid fever while they were traveling in Italy in 1884. “Leland Jr. was just 15. Within weeks of his death, the Stanfords decided that, because they no longer could do anything for their own child, “the children of California shall be our children.” They quickly set about to find a lasting way to memorialize their beloved son.” Read more of the birth of Stanford here.
The Stanford Cactus Garden was well-maintained on the campus, and was frequented by courting couples, until the 1920’s when it fell into great disrepair. In 1997, a group of dedicated volunteers began renovation of the garden which continues. Some of the original plants remain. I hope you enjoy my tour of the garden, with the music of Alexander Price.
My Vlogs are created entirely by myself ~ as opposed to Late Bloomer episodes which have always been professionally edited with professional composers creating original music ~ and since I’m a newbie at this, I am in the process of learning, upgrading and improving. Still, they are travel vlogs, shot on my iPhone on location, so they are more casual out of necessity. Next up, a Phoenix series shot in 115 °F temps, where my iPhone overheated repeatedly and so did my Sony A6000!
Sharing my channel is the easiest way to help make it sustainable. Other ways are buying seeds through my affiliate link below with Botanical Interests, buying a DVD from the ad on any page of this website, and ordering a custom Late Bloomer garden stone malas bracelet, jewelry made with intention by Heather Muro. Click here for her Etsy shop! These empowering river jasper gemstones and charm of your choice help support Late Bloomer! Thanks in advance! – Kaye

Late Bloomer Show StoneMalas Bracelet
Cactus Lovers, check this out, and please share with other cactus lovers. I’m not as connected to these groups as you may be.
I receive a small commission for promoting products I’ve used and believe in. Your support of these products helps me to continue to produce “Late Bloomer” episodes. Click button to order Botanical Interests seeds!
I need financial support for Season 5 of “Late Bloomer.” Consider making a donation to keep Late Bloomer blooming! Thanks for your support! ~ Kaye
Thank you!
Category: Kaye's Vlog, Late Bloomer Episodes