Chili Recipe with Scarlet Runner Beans
I didn’t have black-eyed peas for New Year’s, but I made this homemade chili recipe with scarlet runner beans. I managed to grow only enough scarlet runner beans or Scarlet Emperor Beans for two pots of chili. I also finished off my last two pints of homegrown canned tomatoes. It will be a long, dry spell before more homegrown tomatoes and beans!

Chili with homegrown scarlet runner beans
Chili with Scarlet Runner Beans
~ Ingredients ~
1 lb. grass-fed ground beef
4 tbl. olive oil
1 medium onion
2 large cloves garlic
1 large turnip
2 large carrots
1 doz. cherry tomatoes
4 Jimmy Nardello peppers
1 cup dried Scarlet Runner Beans
2 pints canned tomatoes
2 tbl. chili powder
1 tsp. cumin powder
1/2 dried Caribbean Red Habanero, optional
salt to taste
~ Directions ~
Wash beans, pour boiling water over to cover, add more water as they swell, let sit for an hour. Alternately, soak overnight. In fresh water, cover beans with water and cook till tender on medium low heat, 1-2 hours. Meanwhile, heat 2 tbl. of the olive oil on medium heat and cook the meat thoroughly. In a separate pan, heat the remaining olive oil and cook the chopped onions till translucent, add minced garlic, then stir in one at a time, chopped turnip, carrots, peppers, fresh tomatoes and canned tomatoes. Cook on medium heat for five minutes. Pour off liquid from meat and add to vegetables. Stir in spices, salt and dried habanero. This was my first experience cooking with my habaneros I grew this year and it did add some heat to the pot. Add cooked beans with liquid, stir together. Simmer on medium heat for 30-60 minutes. Adding 1/2-1c. of tomato paste will make it thicker with richer tomato taste.

Dried Scarlet Runner Beans
Read more about these beautiful beans here. This chili recipe is really more of a stew with the added vegetables, but this gives you an opportunity to use up some of your extra veggies. You can also use the bulb of fennel instead of the turnip. Please let me know if you try it! Thanks for reading!
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Category: Recipes
I’ve been looking for a Scarlett Runner Bean recipe and yours popped up! I have a great crop of them that just came in. They’re presently drying, but I’m excited to start a chili. Thanks for sharing! Any other great ideas for Scarlett Runner Beans? They’re just beautiful, and I’ve been growing them with my kids.
You know, I am growing a few vines this summer and just HOPE I get enough for one pot of chili. I have such a small garden that I used up all my beans in that chili last year, and will again this year. I’m sure they would be wonderful in a three bean salad, or something like that. They are the most beautiful beans I’ve ever seen, but there are thousands of varieties of beans, and I’ve only seen a fraction of them. Thanks so much for writing! I’ve been so swamped traveling all summer and attempting to edit all my videos, that I rarely get time to post on my site. Hopefully when I get caught up in a couple of months, I’ll put my focus back on it. Happy gardening!!