Lovely Buckwheat & Other Flowers

| June 6, 2012 | 7 Replies

Lovely, tender buckwheat blooms! When I sprinkled a packet of buckwheat seeds onto my 6.5’x14′ flower island a month ago,

I had there a transplanted Iceberg Rose,

a purple daisy and 2 Mexican Feather Grass,

Cosmos planted from seed in January springing up,

and one dill plant emerging, which is now 5′ tall!

Now, my buckwheat is mature and mixed into all of that, and so pretty, but it’s life cycle is short. Just like the packet said, buckwheat germinates and grows fast and within a month, is ready to turn over into green manure to enrich the soil.

It’s just now that I have all these other pretty flowers growing, I’m not quite sure how to “turn it over” and not disrupt everything else. And I have 6 shoots of Amaranth coming up on this back end, which is hidden in the buckwheat.

Since I had a beautiful Princess Flower tree in this section of my parkway, and didn’t think there would be enough sun for vegetables under it, I surrounded my Princess with flowers.

Just after I had taken these photos, and sprayed the emerging sunflowers on the opposite parkway with Captain Jack’s (I’m determined not to lose all the leaves to pests this time), and babied the new 1″ shoots right next to the driveway, I went in to wash my hands and was inside for no more than two minutes. I went back out, and a driver had attempted to use my driveway to turn around, and had plowed into the wire wicket fence, mangled it and knocked the bamboo stakes and the very shoots I was watering and tending to from the ground! One of the hazards of curbside gardening! I put them back in, but who knows if they’ll take. When you grow something from seed, and get so excited to see it pop up from the earth, you don’t want anything to happen to it. Thanks for reading! – Kaye

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Category: Flowers

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  1. chriss says:

    Oh no! That makes me so sad!
    Your photos are just lovely, and all of your hard work shows. I hope your shoots recover.
    Hang in there, you’re doing a great job!

  2. Rob says:

    Beautiful photos! I thought I was the one who banged into something over there.

  3. Haha, Rob, but I caught her in the act. She apologized profusely and wanted to help fix it, but I said, that’s okay. Never know. Maybe the shoots are now in a better spot.:-)

  4. MaryZ says:

    I never knew what buckwheat looked like–so pretty.

  5. Mary Ellen Luckey Danner says:

    Hey Kaye,
    I’m still amazed at your lovely gardener. Never knew in college that you would be the gardener of the group. I’ve never seen buckwheat grown. What do you do with it? Is it just planted as a soil booster? Your neighbors, the little girls, are just adorable. I loved the post on the carrots. Thanks for all your info!!!! ME

    • Mary Ellen, Neither would I have thought! I saw Buckwheat and Peas and Oats seed packets in my health food store. Yes, they are used as cover crops and soil builder. That patch of parkway was already nutritious, though, ha, as I had really worked on it, but this is even better, and so pretty! Thanks for watching and please share! I hear the neighbor girls out front now. They are looking for roly-poly’s in my garden. Harvesting my third red cabbage today!

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